Editorial Piece
June 25, 2020
Informational Article
June 25, 2020
In-Depth Analysis
June 25, 2020
Mokymai Klaipėdoje ir Vilniuje
2019 m. rugsėjo 21–22 d. ir 2019 m. spalio 26–27 d.
Organizuoti 2 neįgaliųjų aktyvios reabilitacijos, ugdant savarankiško gyvenimo įgūdžius, mokymai.
Neįgaliųjų savarankiško gyvenimo mokymai Kaune
2019 m. lapkričio 14-15 d.
Kaune, UAB „Pirmas žingsnis“ patalpose, 2019 m. lapkričio 14-15 d. vyko neįgaliųjų, turinčių judėjimo negalią, savarankiško gyvenimo didinimo mokymai.
Lietuvos aktyvios reabilitacijos asociacijos stovykla Palangoje
2019 m. spalio 11–13 d.
2019 m. 2019 m. spalio 11–13 dienomis, Palangos reabilitacinėje ligoninėje vyko Lietuvos aktyvios reabilitacijosasociacijos organizuojama stovykla neseniai patyrusiems traumas neįgaliesiems asmenims.
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
Past Event
January 10, 2010
This is your Past Event description. Consider sharing a brief overview of the event, including special moments that took place or any other colorful details. Recreate the full experience for your readers by adding photos, videos or other visual components.
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Vilnius, 10151
+370 652 18 031